Jaxon Tyburr and Stormhamer Option Parts
3d Printer parts to convert new Klemm tanks into 1 Jaxon, 1 Tyburr, and 1 Stormhammer. New Klemm tanks sold separately...
North APGLs x 5 Parts Sprue
Parts: North APGLs x5 (1 pewter sprue of 5 small APGLs), can be used to add small APGLs to your miniatures...
South APGLs x 5 Parts Sprue
Parts: South APGLs x5 (1 pewter sprue of 5 small APGLs), can be used to add small APGLs to your miniatures...
Razor Fang Cobra Parts Sprue
1 Razor Fang parts sprue from the Southern Weapons and Bits pack. ..
Snakeye Black Mamba Parts Sprue
1 Snakeye Black Mamba parts sprue with the Battery pack, LLC, and Head parts. ..
Spearhead pewter parts sprue
1 Spearhead pewter parts sprue with Spearhead/LVB/SatupLink/HAC parts. ..
Eden Centaur Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Head Parts Sprue
1 Eden Centaur Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Upgrade Head parts sprue (Dominus Upgrade Head, MFC, MRF, and MRP). ..
Eden Doppel Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Head Parts Sprue
1 Eden Doppel Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Upgrade Head parts sprue (MRP, LATM, and Dominus Upgrade Head). ..
Eden Druid Golem Extra Weapon Parts Sprue
1 Eden Druid Golem Extra Weapons parts sprue (MBZ, LRP, and MFL). ..
Artillery Cobra variant MFM and CBS parts
1 Medium Field Mortar MFM and 1 Counter Battery Sensor CBS pewter parts for the Southern Artillery Cobra Variant Gear.See painted miniature photos for part placement. ..
Defender Grizzly variant MAAM-LA2 and LLC-AA parts
1 Medium Anti Air Missile (LA:2) MAAM and 1 Light Laser Cannon (AA) LLC pewter parts for the Northern Defender Grizzly Variant Gear.See painted miniature photos for parts placement. ..
Black Talon Pewter Jumpjet Parts Sprue
One pewter Black Talon Single Jumpjet parts sprue (V-Enginge and center mounting jJumpjet)...