Custom Parts

Custom Parts

Mauler Fist


Usually mounted to replace a Gear's hand, the Mauler Fist is a vicious melee weapon capable of shredding armor.  Includes one Mauler Fist melee weapon piece...

Medium Autocannon


The Medium Autocannon is commonly equipped on specialist units, and may even be carried as a Gear squad's special weapon in some forces. One hand-held Medium Autocannon...

Medium Autocannon (AA)


While intended for use against aircraft, the Medium Autocannon (AA) Anti-Aircraft style with its high rate of fire makes it a fierce some weapon against ground vehicles as well.  One hand-held Medium Autocannon (AA) style cast in pewter for u..

Medium Bazooka


One Medium Bazooka (MBZK) for use with 1/144 scale Heavy Gear miniatures...

Medium Flamer


Flame weapons are feared by all soldiers on the battlefield. Their effects can be unpredictable, but they ahve their uses for clearing infantry from dug-in positions and forcing vehicles to retreat.  Medium Flamer weapon part for use with Hea..

Medium Rifle


The Medium Rifle is commonly found on many of the larger recon Gears where accuracy is favored over volume of fire. One Medium Rifle for use with Heavy Gear Blitz 1/144 scale miniatures...

Medium Rocket Pack


Larger and more advanced Gears often mount a Medium Rocket Pack as a support weapon. One Medium Rocket Pack...

Medium Rocket Pack at 45°


Some advanced Gears mount  Medium Rocket Packs at ana ngle to prevent the pack interfering with complex arm assemblies. One Medium Rocket Pack with 45° angle mounting post...

Medium Rocket Pods Left and Right


This is a sprue of Medium Rocket Pods Left and Right created for the updated kits...

Medium Rotary Laser


One Medium Rotary Laser (MLR) pewter part for use with 1/144 Heavy Gear miniatures.<This part was formally called Heavy Gatling Laser Cannon (HGLC) in older rules editions>..

Monk Staff


Terra Nova's dominant religion is the Revisionist faith, and an order of monks was formed that guard the faithful on pilgrimages. The monks have adopted a staff with curved blades on each end as a symbold and a weapon. Some Chaplains and duelists hav..

New Fragcannon


New Style Fragcannon from the Southern MP Cadre Boxset...

New MP Shield


New MP Shield from the Southern MP Cadre Boxset...

NuCoal Handheld MRP/VLRP


NuCoal Handheld Rocket Pod with MRP and VLRP face plates, used for the Dart and Spear variants of the Lancier Gear. For use with Heavy Gear Blitz 1/144 scale miniatures...

Old Duelist Heavy Rocket Pack


One Heavy Rocket Pack simialr to that found on the older Mad Dog Gear. ..

Showing 121 to 135 of 167 (12 Pages)