Dream Pod 9 Custom Parts

Light Pulse Laser


1 Light Pulse Laser (LPL) part from the Fer de Lance pack.  ..

Razor Fang Cobra Parts Sprue


1 Razor Fang parts sprue from the Southern Weapons and Bits pack.  ..

Snakeye Black Mamba Parts Sprue


1 Snakeye Black Mamba parts sprue with the Battery pack, LLC, and Head parts.  ..

Crusader VEngine and LFM parts


1 Crusader VEngine and 1 LFM pewter parts.  ..

Chatterbox Iguana Pewter Parts Sprue


1 Chatterbox Iguana Pewter Parts Sprue.  ..

MRF LGM LSMG pewter parts sprue


1 MRF LGM LSMG pewter parts sprue.  ..

Spearhead pewter parts sprue


1 Spearhead pewter parts sprue with Spearhead/LVB/SatupLink/HAC parts.  ..

Pistol Weapon Part for Gears


1 Pistol Weapon Part for Gears from the Peace River Greyhound kit.  ..

Eden Centaur Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Head Parts Sprue


1 Eden Centaur Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Upgrade Head parts sprue (Dominus Upgrade Head, MFC, MRF, and MRP).  ..

Eden Doppel Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Head Parts Sprue


1 Eden Doppel Golem Extra Weapons and Dominus Upgrade Head parts sprue (MRP, LATM, and Dominus Upgrade Head).  ..

Eden Druid Golem Extra Weapon Parts Sprue


1 Eden Druid Golem Extra Weapons parts sprue (MBZ, LRP, and MFL).  ..

Eden Hydor Upgrade Part


1 Eden Hydor Upgrade part...

Eden Lance Upgrade Part


1 Eden Lance Upgrade part...

Artillery Cobra variant MFM and CBS parts


1 Medium Field Mortar MFM and 1 Counter Battery Sensor CBS pewter parts for the Southern Artillery Cobra Variant Gear.See painted miniature photos for part placement.  ..

Defender Grizzly variant MAAM-LA2 and LLC-AA parts


1 Medium Anti Air Missile (LA:2) MAAM and 1 Light Laser Cannon (AA) LLC pewter parts for the Northern Defender Grizzly Variant Gear.See painted miniature photos for parts placement.  ..

Showing 16 to 30 of 286 (20 Pages)